Tuesday, April 2, 2013

994. Clothes bake the man

A dirty cross-dresser named Hurdle
Got hot when he put on a girdle.
The heat 'round his middle
Burned just like a griddle
And caused all his semen to curdle.


  1. This one is very good.

    I see you posted it on Reddit. I left one as a comment to yours, but it's probably not as good as this one. You may yet see it here, but not until I post OP100, which won't happen until you post #1000.

    May I ask, are you planning a special limmie for your milestone?

  2. I've created a 5-stanza one which will be #996-1000. Looks like I'll be posting it on Thursday since tomorrow will be reserved for #995.
    Hope you like it. It isn't my best, by any means and, in fact, is 99% CLEAN!!
