Saturday, August 20, 2016

2206. 75¢ words

When I ape Little Lord Fauntleroy
My intent's to bring unalloyed joy.
Using terms recondite
I attempt to delight
Those who've risen above hoi polloi.

The use of uncommon words herein is part of the reason this blog isn't read more widely.  However, I refuse to "dumb it down" (though that may sporadically and unintentionally occur.)  Thanks to my other posters for keeping the bar raised.

1 comment:

  1. Those above hoi polloi, as you've seen
    Are fewer and farther between.
    So a 'big word' omission
    Is not a submission
    To dumbing it down; that sounds mean.

    Your intelligence still will shine through
    Without uncommon words to aid you
    Well, I have to admit
    That your wisdom and wit
    Is already a hit, tried and true.

    Why appease just the erudite few
    When the rest want to understand too
    All still know that you're smart
    That a lim'rick's an art
    And so, for the most part, I do too!

    See? My own vocab's sometimes inept
    Yet it's what you still seem to accept
    Have I kept the bar raised?
    For at times I've been praised
    Though my word list, at times, may have slept.
