Wednesday, March 21, 2012

611-613. I auto be ashamed

A Milquetoasty fellow named Meckless,
Drove and used his cell phone (is that reckless?)
It got him arrested,
He could have protested
But Meckless was totally feckless. 

A show-offy rascal avowed he
"Might drive fast, but I'm never rowdy."
Test-drove to determine
Which fine auto German
To purchase -- Mercedes or Audi? 

A not-very-careful guy, Ardytch,
Drove an out-of-alignment old car which
Just wouldn't go where
He would aim it, and there
Fore he often wound up in a bar ditch.

Here in the American southwest, "bar ditches" are the channels on either side of a road and running parallel to it.   They collect rainwater runoff and are typically about 4'-5' wide and 2'-3' deep.  I had always wondered about the name and inquired of my British cousin if she were familiar with the term and its origins.

She was and said "You see, the highway must be above the surrounding land so as not to flood.  To make it "high", the road-builders "borrow" earth from beside it, leaving behind the "borrow" ditch."  (It sounds as if our "bar" is just twang for 'borrow'!)

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