Monday, March 19, 2012

609. A G&S mess

This is my first foray into Gilbert and Sullivan land.  May not be my last.  Should it be?

A G&S song called "Tit Willow",
Like most of their stuff is quite sillow.
Sung in The Mikado
Without much bravado
Still, caused their bank balance to billow.

1 comment:

  1. Fast-forward to The Limericist's Post #628 of March 31. Allan Sherman also parodied "Tit Willow" on his 1962 album "My Son, the Celebrity" in the cut entitled "The Bronx Bird Watcher." It was found on the flip side (young-uns, we used to have these things called phonograph records...) from "Me," the referenced song you can hear on the link found at #628.
