Saturday, December 30, 2017

OP514. Urine for a treat

OP513 reminded me of this one.  I was certain I had already posted this here, but I guess not.

For a treat I decided to go
To the vendor I shelled out the dough
Now I wish I had known
That my yellow snow cone
Had been made out of real yellow snow.


  1. Oh! Now I remember seeing this somewhere! But not here. Could it be that I subconsciously tapped into and rewrote (in OP513) your limmie? That is almost like plagiarism, by golly! But in my own defense, my brain was more or less 'sleepwalking.' (Dang!)

    I'd just like to add that the titles you choose for your verses are pretty much spectacular, as anyone can see. (I'm somewhat jealous! Yeah... sometimes I swear mine need help! Feel free!)

  2. I first heard this joke when LBJ was our president. No doubt it's had many different cast members thru the years.

    DJT awoke a few days ago, threw open the drapes, and saw that a heavy snowfall had occurred during the night. The White House lawn was breathtakingly beautiful... but then he looked just below his window.

    Someone had written, "FUCK TRUMP" in yellow letters in the snow!

    He phoned up the FBI director and demanded that he come over immediately.

    When Mr. Wray arrived, Donald showed him the grafitti and said, "I want to know who did that and I want to know it before noon today!"

    Wray reported back within an hour. He said, "Mr. President, I have good news and bad news. Which do you want first?"

    Trump said, "Give me the good news."

    Wray said, "I had our best CSI people take samples of the yellow material. It is urine. We compared it to the medical records of everyone with access to the White House and we know the culprit!"

    Trump: "Well, who is it?"

    Wray: "It came from VP Mike Pence, sir."

    Trump: "THAT's the GOOD NEWS??!!! What's the bad news?"

    Wray: "It's Melania's hand-writing."

  3. That was priceless, and funny as hell! Part of this joke's charm is its capacity to be believable, just because Trump and his life have occurrences more bizarre than even this! I think there's no end to the satire mixed with realism that can be created about that infantile dolt. It never gets old! (wish I could say that for my aging process)

  4. It won an HM at Mad's over two years ago; that's probably where you've seen it before.

    The titles are usually the hardest part, but this was one of my better ones.

    That's a great joke, Phil.
