Monday, December 11, 2017

OP482. The lass thinks gas has class

A perpetual farter named Steven
Never could hold it in; now he's grievin'
'Cause his girlfriend was there
But she said, "I don't care"
Then she burped like a bear; "now we're even."


  1. Love it! I was hoping you other poets would keep this site active while I'm rejuvenating (or whatever it is I'm doing other than writing limmies.)

    Keep it up, Suz, and you, too, Dave Reddekopp.

  2. Yes!! That was the reassurance I needed to allay my fears! I was worried that you might see my contributions as invasive trespassing on your domain. I was actually going to email you to ask for permission before it could get 'too out of hand.' Woohoo! It's not just freedom of expression now, it's freedom FOR expression! Thanks, Maestro!

  3. The sound of music, in A-flatus.
