Saturday, December 15, 2012

894. Achtongue!

A fastidious woman named Young
Used Clorox when douching her bung.
When her man went to lick her
Could not have got sicker
And suffered white spots on his tongue.


  1. "Blech!" is "bleach" with an a-hole.

    Mr. Limericist, the pedant (admittedly, in the worst sense of the word) in me must suggest that you could achieve perfect anapest in today's offering by finding two unstressed syllables to replace "Used" at the beginning of line two. "Would use," "Once used," "Used some," "Tried some," "Employed" are some ideas.

    "Submitted for your approval..." --Rod-up-my-ass Serling

  2. I LIKE your "blech" pun!! But you're beyond anal-retentive if you think "perfect anapest" is required. However, just to avoid your criticism I've emended with "Would use.."

    Have you considered an enema to rid you of your analment? :-))

  3. Ooooh! You've given me a great idea for a sequel to Will Smith's "Enemy of the State." It's called "Enema of the Taint" starring Don Choadle. It could achieve cunt status and become a perineum favorite!

  4. With friends like you, who needs enemas?
