Sunday, September 24, 2017

2659. Auto-erotic euphemism

A southpaw named Lefty O'Doul
Used his right hand to jerk off his tool
In the barnyard, well he
Used his left one for loping his mule.

"Loping your mule" is perhaps less well-known than "chokin' your chicken", "spanking the monkey", "dating Rosy Palms", et al.


  1. There really was a baseball player called Lefty O'Doul who had a brief but productive career as an outfielder in the 1920's and '30's. He won two National League batting titles, and his 254 base hits for the 1929 Philadelphia Phillies still stands as the NL record for hits in one season (tied the next year by the Giants' Bill Terry).

  2. In 1930, the same year that Bill Terry tied the NL record for hits, another NL guy set a record --- 191 RBIs in one season --- and it still leads BOTH leagues. However, he was a hack.
