Wednesday, October 17, 2012

OP51. Baad boy

There once was a girl from Peru
Whose sexual cravings were few
So her boyfriend would keep

Having sex with his sheep
And would tell her, "I'll always love ewe".


  1. Absolutely awesome one, Dave, but.... blogspot has a policy against bestiality (and incest) in postings. It's been difficult for me to avoid those "ripe for the pickin's" subjects but, so far, I THINK I've succeeded. I'm going to leave this one up unless the cyber-police happen to take a look in here.

  2. Hey, OP41 is still up, and that one had a horse, so...

    Guess I can't tell the one about the man from Fort Worth then. It's not mine anyway, but...

    If you get busted on it, lemme know.

  3. Very good one, Dave. Reminded me of another "girl from Peru":

    There once was a girl from Peru,
    Who had nothing whatever to do,
    So she sat on the stairs,
    And counted cunt hairs,
    Four thousand, three hundred and two.

    Which reminds me of Don Giovanni's catalogue of conquests in the famous Mozart aria...

  4. That girl gets around...

    There once was a girl from Peru
    Who filled up her pussy with glue
    She said with a grin
    "If they'll pay to get in
    Then they'll pay to get out of it too!"

    Sadly, not my own.
