Wednesday, February 21, 2018

2782. Randy rednecks

How can they not call 'em "assault"
While defending, "It ain't the gun's fault"?
Would I be wrong to say
Members of NRA
Prob'ly also look up to John Galt?


  1. Wow, the scales have fallen from my eyes. I had believed John Galt to be the hero of "Atlas Shrugged," his rugged individualism conquering smothering government regulation. I guess Ayn Rand never met Bernie Sanders.

  2. Steve Benko, whose limmies appear in each weekend's AWADmail issue, emailed this one after I'd sent him #2782.

    Our gun laws we need to rejigger
    So psychos quit pulling the trigger.
    When someone's a buyer
    Of things you can fire
    Let's check all their backgrounds with vigor.

    Except for its needing 'fire' to be pronounced as if it had two syllables (and don't we often?) I like it better than mine.
