Wednesday, February 5, 2014

OP137-138. Green eggs and Ham

In honor of the Bill Nye-Ken Ham creation/evolution debate last night...

The creator of Answers in Genesis
Thinks he's one of the scientists' menaces
In the Bible, not science
He placed his reliance
When he took on a scientist nemesis

This creation apologist, Ham
About facts, just does not give a damn
Then along came Bill Nye
With his nifty bow tie
And exposed his creationist scam.

Sorry, but anyone who actually believes the universe is 6000 years old is completely ignorant of science.  Believe in God if you want, but every science will tell you the universe is not that young.  We have living trees older than that on our planet.  The 6000 year figure is based on a literal biblical timeline and nothing else.


  1. Two of your best-crafted ones ever, Dave. Timely and true! I'm a Christian but I consider the Bible's stories re: creationism (and much else in the Old Testament) to be wholly allegorical.

    Adam & Eve is a story of mankind's fall from grace because of disobedience (sin) -- NOT of how humans appeared on earth. How can anyone ignore the fossil record (to cite just one example of extant proof) in attempting to justify an earth-age of 60 centuries? To do that is ludicrous and those few pea-brained dolts who deny the overwhelming case for evolution are an embarrassment to the rest of us believers.

  2. of course the eden story is allegorical. the israelites were telling these stories for hundreds of years before they ever made it to print, and they were meant to give advice, convey morals (some of which i find absolutely ghastly), or explain something they didn't understand.

    as far as i know, the earliest biblical character there's been any historical evidence at all found for is david, and even that is just a passing reference. that's 3000 years ago.

    you could name almost any science and it can show you the utter impossibility of an earth or universe being 6000 years old. the problem is though, this is being presented to schoolchildren AS science, when it's anything but, and america will suffer for it if it's allowed to continue. all the credible scientists will be coming from other countries who actually learn science in their science classes, and value evidence over dogma.

    i used to be one of those embarrassments, i'm ashamed to say, but when i let go of religion i found i had no more reason to doubt evolution. i becamde open to the evidence, and found there was simply so much it was foolish to deny it. religion can color your views on so many things.

    i'm glad you're at least sensible about it. might as well recognize reality for what it is.
